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INDICATE Official Kick-Off Meeting

INDICATE Official Kick-Off Meeting


KOM Conference Room, Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío, Sevilla (instructions and the end of the programme)
If you are participating online: the meeting link will be provided to you as soon as possible

Address: Av. Manuel Siurot, s/n, 41013 Sevilla
Link to Google Maps:

How to walk to the conference room? Click here: directions to the conference room.

Program Monday, January 27th  

12.00 – 13.00 CET

Arrival and Networking lunch

Informal lunch to welcome participants and encourage networking

13.00 – 13.05
Welcome to the official Kick-off Meeting of INDICATE

Welcome by the project coordinators: Prof. dr. Christian Jung and dr. Michel van Genderen

Prof. dr Christian Jung
Head, Coronary Heart Disease
and Critical Care division 
Universitätsklinikum Düsseldorf 

Dr. Michel van Genderen
Erasmus MC
13.05 – 13.30
Welcome in Sevilla

Introduction about Servicio Andaluz de Salud, AI in Sevilla
Welcome by the Dean of the Servicio Andaluz de Salud:
Mr. Ismael Vargas Pina – General Director for Information Systems and Communications

The dean will be accompanied by Dr. Rosario Amaya Villar, Head of the Intensive Care Unit, and Mr. Carlos Luis Parra Calderon, Head of the Technological Innovation at the Virgen del Rocio University Hospital.

13.30 – 14.00

Short Deep Dive into INDICATE – Current status

Prof.dr. Christian Jung and dr. Michel van Genderen
Overview of the project objectives, updates about current processes etc.

Prof. dr Christian Jung
Head, Coronary Heart Disease
and Critical Care division 
Universitätsklinikum Düsseldorf 

Dr. Michel van Genderen
Erasmus MC
14.00 – 14.30

INDICATE – The European Union Perspective

Project officer of the EU

  • Funding schemes – Where to fit in INDICATE
  • Working arrangements between the consortium and the EC
  • Q&A
14.30 – 15.00
Break with Tea & Coffee
15.00 – 15.30

OMOP common data model (CDM) for dummies (20min – 10min Q)

Explanation of the concept of Common Data Models, its objectives and benefits for standardizing healthcare data, and its significance for INDICATE.


Maxim Moinat
Medical Informatics
Erasmus MC

15.30 – 16.00

Data space architecture (20min 10 Q)

An introduction on a data space architecture and how we are progressing toward its implementation within INDICATE.


Jan van den Brand
Erasmus MC     

16.00 – 16.30

Work Package Presentations – Session 1

WP1: Project management and coordination (5 minutes + 5 minutes Q&A) (Erasmusmc)

WP2: Common data models and vocabularies (15 minutes + 5 minutes Q&A) (SAS)

16.30 – 16.45
Wrap-Up of Day 1

Summary and preparation for Day 2.

16.45 – 17.45

Hospital Tour for all + Group picture

Mr. Carlos Luis Parra Calderon, Head of Technological Innovation at the Virgen del Rocio University Hospital – Including a short presentation about the hospital.
Walk from the hospital to the hotel
Meet in the lobby to take the bus to the evening activity (guided city tour) – followed by informal dinner (funded by central INDICATE budget)

Evening program


Pick up with bus from Hotel Silken Al-Andalus Palace to the city center

Drop off – Torre del Oro around 7pm
19.00 – 20.00
Guided city tour
20.00 – 22.30
Dinner at Rio Grande Restaurant: C. Betis, 69, 41010 Sevilla (
Bus back to the hotel

Program Tuesday, January 28th

08.15 – 08.30
Meet in lobby, walk from the hotel to the hospital
08.30 – 09.00
Walk-in and Coffee & Tea
09.00 – 09.05
Welcome and Introduction of the Day
Prof. dr. Christian Jung and dr. Michel van Genderen

Prof. dr Christian Jung
Head, Coronary Heart Disease
and Critical Care division 
Universitätsklinikum Düsseldorf 

Dr. Michel van Genderen
Erasmus MC
09.05 – 10.30
Work Package Presentations: Session 2

WP3: Governance and business models (15 minutes + 5 minutes Q&A) (TCD)

WP5: Dissemination, exploitation and communication (15 minutes + 5 minutes Q&A) (HSICM)

WP4: Design and implementation of the technical infrastructure (Update and demonstration: 40 minutes + 5 minutes Q&A) (UGENT)
10.30 – 11.00
Coffee Break
11.00 – 12.00

Work Package Presentations: Session 3

WP6: Clinical demonstrations (25 minutes + 5 minutes Q&A) (Dusseldorf)
Use case 1: MIMIC-EU (Dusseldorf)
Use case 2: Early detection of organ failure (AP-HP)
Use case 3: Virtual digital twin of mechanical ventilation (VUMC)
Use case 4: Prediction of neonatal and pediatric sepsis (Erasmus MC)
Use case 5: Quality benchmarking dashboards (Greifswald)
Use case 6: Grand rounds workspace (TCD)
12.00 – 12.30
General discussion on WP challenges and next steps
13.30 – 14.30

Breakout Sessions: Deep Dive into Challenges and Opportunities

Small groups focusing on specific project themes
(e.g., governance, data management, dissemination, etc.).

14.30 – 15.00
Coffee Break
15.00 – 16.00

Plenary: Breakout Session Feedback

  • Each group reports back, followed by discussion on action points.
16.00 – 16.15
Next Steps – Summary of key outcomes & action points
16.15 – 17.30

Inspirational talks by invited speakers including

Closing remarks by the Project Coordinators


ICU – presentation & Visit (possible for max 10 people)

Dr. Rosario Amaya Villar, Head of the Intensive Care Unit at the Virgen del Rocio University Hospital

Walk from the hospital to the hotel

Pick up by taxi – Celebratory Kick-off Dinner
(self-funded by institute INDICATE budget) payment details in the
 registration form) – Casa Ozama

Avenida Borbolla, 57-59, Cornering Calle Felipe II
In front of Maria Luisa park
Seville (Spain)

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Jan van den Brand

Logo Erasmus Universitair Medical Center Rotterdam
Position: Technical Lead INDICATE

What am I up to during INDICATE?

The roles and responsibilities of the INDICATE Technical Lead involve overseeing the technical aspects of the INDICATE project, which aims to establish a secure and widely accessible infrastructure for standardized ICU data from various European countries. This includes:

  • Technical Oversight: Ensuring the design and development of the federated data infrastructure according to the Well Architected Framework, which emphasizes resilience, availability, security, and sustainability.
  • Data Protection: Implementing a zero-trust approach to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data and systems.
  • Strategic Planning: Establishing the ELSI framework for data access, data protection, and ethical application of AI.

To that end I am working closely with various work package leads and partners to ensure the successful integration and implementation of the infrastructure.

The 7th Critical Care ESICM Datathon

The 7th Critical Care Datathon, held from January 10 till February 7, is the place where multidisciplinary teams and international experts collaborate to explore clinical questions using large datasets from electronic health records. Participants also have the opportunity to enhance their data knowledge, discover new methods to address clinical questions, and build connections! 

The datathon is open to all intensive care professionals (experienced or new) and open to all data scientists and machine learning professionals (seasoned or beginner). This is your chance to compete in global mixed teams to advance intensive care medicine! Together with your team members you will work on one of three real world challenges related to intensive care medicine using AmsterdamUMCdb (in OMOP format), the first freely available European ICU database. Collaboration, learning and fun are key ingredients.

This edition will be held online from January 10 till January 31, and the top three teams will be invited to present their work at the Grand Finale during the Intensive Care Innovation Forum on February 7, in Milan.

Register yourself and your team for the datathon (or read more about the programme) right here!

INDICATE has officially launched this week!

Dear all,

We are excited to share some fantastic news with you all – we are proud to announce that INDICATE has officially launched this week!

INDICATE aims to tackle key challenges faced by European Intensive Care Units (ICUs) that hinder progress in data-enabled clinical decision-making and data-driven innovations like Artificial Intelligence (AI). Although ICUs operate in data-rich environments, individual ICU datasets are often limited in size, and the absence of standardized, secure mechanisms for cross-border data sharing restricts AI’s transformative potential in healthcare. To address this, INDICATE seeks to develop a federated infrastructure for ICU data, facilitating secure, cross-border access to large-scale, diverse datasets.

We look forward to the success and growth of INDICATE and to sharing this exciting adventure with all of you!

Best regards,


Christian Jung

Michel van Genderen


Netherlands, Rotterdam – December 2 Today marks the launch of the INDICATE project, a pioneering European initiative designed to enhance data access and sharing between intensive care units across Europe. INDICATE aims to advance patient-centered care and promoting ethically responsible data use and the development and implementation of trustworthy AI models. In the coming years, INDICATE will collaborate with organizations across the European healthcare sector to improve patient outcomes and foster a data-driven approach to healthcare.

At present, clinical decision-making and innovation in ICUs face significant challenges due to fragmented data, the lack of standardized data-sharing agreements, and insufficient secure infrastructure. These barriers became glaringly evident during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic when even basic questions, such as “How many patients requiring ventilatory support are admitted to ICUs?” were difficult to answer. This halts the development and implementation of AI models that are inclusive and diverse and have the possibility to improve patient targeted medicine. INDICATE seeks to overcome these challenges and ensure that critical healthcare data can be ethically and responsibly utilized.

INDICATE aims to address these problems by establishing a secure federated infrastructure for standardized Intensive Care data. Federated means that software to analyze data or train AI is taken to the data at the intensive care unit instead of taking the data to the people who do the analysis. This way data of patients will never leave the hospital and people who use the data never get to see the actual health data, but only the results they need. The federated approach is secure and promotes patient privacy by design. Importantly, INDICATE partners are spread across Europe to ensure that the available data reflects the diversity of patients in Europe in the short term, but also in the longer term when the network is meant to grow. This way INDICATE will form the foundation for training and operationalizing of AI model in intensive care units to support applications in personalized medicine, data comparison between ICUs, and disaster preparedness. For example, INDICATE will facilitate the development of an AI model to predict bacterial bloodstream infection in newborn infants will be developed to improve earlier recognition of this disease.

Dr. Michel van Genderen, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, coordinator of INDICATE:

“With INDICATE, we are building cross-border collaboration in healthcare, where data can truly make a difference in critical patient situations. We are setting a new standard in healthcare: secure data access and ethically responsible AI development and implementation as the norm. This paves the way for every ICU to benefit from the transformative power of AI and data-driven decision-making.”

Prof. Dr. Christian Jung, University Hospital of Düsseldorf, Germany, co-coordinator of INDICATE:

“By linking data from many Intensive Care units across Europe, we help doctors make better decisions and contribute to a more resilient European healthcare system.”

For more information:

Official Kick-Off Meeting of the INDICATE Project

Banner Official Kick-Off Meeting of the INDICATE Project

We are excited to invite all INDICATE-partners to the official kick-off of the INDICATE project, taking place on 27 and 28 January 2025 in Sevilla, Spain. This event will be graciously hosted by our partner, Servicio Andaluz de Salud, and promises to be an excellent opportunity to connect with fellow partners, hear updates from the Work Package (WP) leads, and collaboratively plan our next steps towards the project’s success.

We hope you will join us in person in Sevilla. For those unable to travel, the program will also be accessible online via Microsoft Teams. A link for virtual participation will be shared closer to the event.
To help us organize catering and logistics, please RSVP by 6 December 2024 using the registration form: registration form.
Below, you’ll find a draft agenda and practical details to assist with your planning:
Practical information
Monday, January 27th
    •    Walk-in and lunch: 12:00–13:00 CET
    •    Program: 13:00–18:00 CET
    •    Evening activity followed by dinner
Tuesday, January 28th
    •    Full-day program: 09:00–18:00 CET
    •    Dinner (self-funded; payment details in the registration form)
KOM Conference Room, Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío, Sevilla
Hotel Recommendation
Hotel Silken Al-Andalus Palace – Make reservations via: hotel
    •    Hotel costs and flights will be paid from your personal INDICATE budget.
    •    Catering at the hospital, including lunches, coffee breaks, and snacks, will be covered by the central project budget.
    •    The Monday evening activity and dinner are centrally funded.
    •    The Tuesday evening dinner will be centrally organized but self-funded and can be paid from your INDICATE budget.
Draft agenda for the meeting
The meeting will include:
    •    WP lead updates
    •    Demonstrations, including demo tech ifra WP4
    •    Administrative instructions
    •    Inspirational talks and guest presentations
    •    A hospital visit and photo opportunity
    •    Timeline discussions
A finalized agenda will be shared closer to the event. Please note that a management board meeting will be scheduled from 10:00-11:00 on Monday, before the main meeting.
We look forward to your participation and a successful kick-off event.
Michel van Genderen (PI)
Christian Jung (co-PI)
Lisanne van Prooyen Schuurman (Project Manager)

Want to know more about the launch: contact Maaike van Zuilen, communications officer INDICATE,